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Discover The Art of Rare Jewellery at The Pinnacle of Luxury: Zoya at Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai

Mr. CK Venkataraman, MD of Titan Company Limited, and Mr. Puneet Chhatwal, MD and CEO of Indian Hotels Company Ltd, launched the Taj Mahal Palace boutique of Zoya, the sixth in India on 22nd February 2023.

By Namrata Parab

  • 2nd Mar 2023
Zoya is The New Masterpiece in The Taj Mahal Palace's Shopping Arcade

CK Venkataraman, Managing Director of Titan Company Limited, and Mr. Puneet Chhatwal, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Indian Hotels Company Ltd, launched the Taj Mahal Palace boutique of Zoya today.

By Namrata Parab

  • 23rd Feb 2023
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