Say Hello to Surprise Luxury Vacations with Air New Zealand

  • 21st Oct 2020
  • 1989
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Say Hello to Surprise Luxury Vacations with Air New Zealand

With a lot of travel plans going down the drain in the first half of 2020, people are now looking forward to finally stepping on a plane and just go somewhere. Air New Zealand has managed to capture precisely this kind of audience and offer them a fantastic opportunity to go for a vacation.

They have brought back their ‘Mystery Break’ Program, where the travelers have to pay a flat amount and book an entire vacation. They also have the option of choosing the package they want. They have three options to choose from-- Great, Deluxe or Luxury.

The travelers will not come to know the destination of their vacation until two days before the trip. The packages begin at AUD 599 (USD 422). They will also be given a choice to choose the travel dates and one destination that they don’t wish to travel.

The airline has up to 20 destinations to choose from in New Zealand, including Art Deco-filled Napier, adventure capital Queensland and historic Dunedin. This would surely be a very luxury vacation for all guests as hospitality chains like Accor Hotels, Avis have partnered with the airline. Hence, the guests will be accommodated at Accor Hotels and car hired from Avis.

New Zealand was one of the countries to curb the spread of coronavirus in their country and successfully managed to open travel anywhere in the country. Saving for some places in Australia, residents are not allowed to travel anywhere else without quarantining or going through other security measures upon their return.

According to the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the country has had 1,531 confirmed coronavirus cases within its borders, and just 25 deaths. Restrictions were lifted in New Zealand, as early as June.

With International borders closed, this is one of the best ways to encourage travelers to travel domestic and explore!

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Hinal Jain

Hinal Jain is a travel lover and movie enthusiast. She works as a Copywriter and also as an Account Manager. She has travelled to a lot of places across the globe but reckons that the escape & thrill that books and fiction offer are matchless. Hinal is also an avid reader and a digital media buf... read more


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