You Searched for: indian-millennials

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Why is India a Lucrative Market for Premium Watches? 6 Key Reasons

Premium watch sales in India are rising due to Gen Z and millennial demand. The Deloitte Swiss Watch Industry Insights 2024 research states that luxury watch companies are drawn to India due to its favourable trade agreements, economic climate, and strate

By Pradeep Dhuri

  • 18th Jul 2024
India Emerges as a New Hub for Global Luxury Brands But Challenges Remain

Bénédicte Epinay, CEO of Comité Colbert, said India is becoming a premium brand destination. The official luxury organisation of France, Comité Colbert, which represents 93 luxury goods, views India as a viable market despite hefty custom fees and bureauc

By Pradeep Dhuri

  • 1st Dec 2023
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