What is luxury?
- Mohan
- 4th Nov, 2020
- 752
- 8
- Answer by Guru D
- 4th Nov, 2020
We all dream of a life of great comfort and elegance, of huge mansions, expensive cars, fancy food to eat and a bedroom with the most comfortable bed one could own. This is we call "luxury". However "Luxury" does not just end there "Luxury" is a life style. It is something that showcases one's wealth, it is something that represents one's class in front of the world and where he stands compared to everyone else around him. In ancient Egypt after a king's death, he is burried under a monument that is more that hundred metres high, while his body is kept in a coffin of gold along with numerous priceless items. This without a doubt is one of the greatest luxuries that could be given to an individual, demonstrating his wealth and power. A man of high status demonstrates his wealth through his huge mansions containing his expensive furniture, his watch on his wrist embedded with diamonds which serves no purpose other than telling the time, paintings hung on the walls of never-ending hallways that are kept within a golden frame, the fancy limo sitting on the porch to be driven by one of his many servants. His clothing comprises of silk and ornaments on his body made of the most precious materials. This is what "Luxury" is.
- Answer by Jagan R
- 4th Nov, 2020
The word "luxury" can be taken as a synonym for money”. The word “luxury” is mostly related to rare and unique. It’s the money that converts your dreams to buy luxury items. Most people find the money to be the indicator of the quality and exclusivity. But we should not forget that the price tag of a product is decided by the supply and demand function, but in the case of luxury goods, the price tag is also influenced by craftsmanship or attention to its detail. Human kind has always felt the need to own luxurious items in order to show their social status. In Ancient Rome clothing was a symbol of status and power. The color purple was considered to be the most prestigious and the higher classes wore it to show their economic power. The reason for this prestige was that the most expensive dyes were used to produce the color purple. Therefore, the color became synonymous with wealth and power. Just as it worked in ancient Rome, people in modern societies have the desire to show their high social status. As the higher class in the Roman Empire did with luxuries, the higher classes today spend their money on brands rather than on the mere products.
This means luxury brands create a way to difference social status. It can sometimes make people feel superior. People show their social status with their luxury items. The logo is the way to identify the brand. This is a very important to the consumer because it shows to the world what brand it is. A luxury good is known to be become a part of one’s identity. The reason is the attachment and feeling of representing yourself through that luxury item. Buying decision of luxury goods are based on prestige and uniqueness, not on technical and functional factors. That maybe is the reason that most high-end buyers don’t care about the money but want the best. In other words, they are mainly looking for an experience. Indeed the luxury items are expensive but are they value for the money. That is actually the difference between expensive products (like ipad or television) which can be purchased by everyday consumers in almost any retail shop and has performance and functions which are value for the money but comparatively no emotional benefits. On the other hand, a luxury brand has to be spectacular good which are only sold mostly through flagship outlets and cannot be bought by everyday consumers. Therefore luxury product having emotional benefits cannot be matched to some extent with comparable product. To conclude, it has to be priced high but not too expensive that becomes a hindrance in the longing feeling for a brand. No doubt that the price tag is the source of income for a brand but keeping high price might not be in favour of success always. However the price of luxury good may have to rise to match up with the customer’s perception and cannot be kept constant as it will look too low which will eventually cheapen the brand as compared to other luxury products.
- Answer by Praful Dedhia
- 4th Nov, 2020
With changing times definitions of things have also changed luxury ain't what it used to be it is a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense the rise of on-demand services and the shift in consumer values as the younger generation became important buyers of high-end goods. people these days think that the classic symbols- the Hermès Birkin bag, a couture dress by Dior, a watch by Rolex is a luxury but I think of it as class and status more than a luxury living in your villa in a private island is a luxury riding yours lamborghni after deboarding your private jet is a luxury. "the idea of what is luxurious is changing, I think its about brand rather than luxury" said Lazaro Hernandez. Luxury involves a much wider concept. If you misunderstand it with richness referring to expensive items only, then you have an old idea of luxury. Plus, luxury is not necessarily elegance. Luxury is not easy to define.
- Answer by Kiran Kamdar
- 4th Nov, 2020
What is luxury? Well, it's a tricky question. Everyone will answer this question according to their perspective. Each view will be different from another. We shall get some unique message from every perspective and this is what luxury is…! The luxury to think, to present thoughts. Luxury can be defined in various ways and this makes it complicated to define. The first ray of thought that comes into mind after listening to luxury is having a comfortable lifestyle with class and elegance. There is a fine line between rich and luxurious. Some objects, things or feelings can immediately be recognized as luxurious while others in the row are far more subtle, it is more like beauty being in the eyes of the beholder or love being blind.
Luxury is something that is not essential but it provides pleasure and comfort. Although it requires desire and a lot of effort, it's expensive. Everyone can earn money, everyone can read, can write but there are some who can create a soulful creation out of it. Reading books and writing things are normal actions in day to day life. But when you relate it with luxury then you can take reading as literature, writing as taking out the points which inspire and help people to improve. You can find luxury in every ounce of life, in every action of yours. It's not just about having a rich life, big cars and bungalows, it's more about how you spend your time, how you vibe and what your actions are…? And more about how you LIVE…!
- Answer by Ganesh Aiyer
- 6th Nov, 2020
What is luxury? Well quite literally luxury means “a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense” but is that all, we’ve got to infer from this three syllable word i.e luxury? Today in this article we’ll dive deep and maybe conclude what luxury really means to each and everyone of us. The term “luxury” itself is a very subjective word. It can never be defined unless the lifestyle or the circumstances are specified. The definition will always vary and keep on varying with the given circumstances. For a day labour worker, luxury might be everyday proper meals.While for someone who’s a farmer, luxury might translate to great profits, good revenue and returns from land. For a student who’s going through a pretty tough time managing his/her studies during this tumultuous time, luxury might just mean, proper internet connection, a laptop or computer maybe and finally a stable mental health (which still gets very overlooked even today) and then finally, for the men like Mukesh Ambani, the richest person in India luxury is going to be to become more rich, expand his business and maybe to beat all the international business tycoons as well, the riches he’s going to opted for none of us can even dream about it in our most wildest dreams.
I don’t see luxury as something which is only accessible or attainable by someone who can be categorized under the wealthy or more privileged members of our society. Each and everyone can have it, only if they’re willing to switch their perspective to luxury. For me, having a loving family, friends, healthy parents and striving to achieve my goals make me happy everyday and that’s all I could ever ask for, to me that's luxury. So concluding I would like to say, this mere concept of luxury is ever changing and it's always going to keep on changing, the definition will never be the same for everyone nor is it going to be the same everywhere.
- Answer by Namrata Rathod
- 6th Nov, 2020
Luxury used to be a synonym for quality. The word “luxury” is mostly related to rare and unique. Likewise, luxury fashion is characterized by high price points, placing it outside the category of goods that are simply necessary for daily life.
- Answer by Rahul Pradhan
- 6th Nov, 2020
Luxury is a state of mind. It mirrors one's fulfillment in accomplishing the objectives of life. This, thus, offers ascend to internal harmony. Embracing a lavish way of life really supplies somebody with the genuinely necessary peacefulness from the buzzing about of regular daily existence. Luxury has different perceptions for people, for some might think luxury is having an expensive mobile or traveling the world, having a big bungalow, and for others luxury might be having at least the basic necessities in life. Luxury truly is one’s state of mind, luxury is happiness; being happy and contained in what you have is luxury, everything cannot be bought by money, hence luxury is our notion of how we perceive it.
- Answer by Noel Brigade
- 10th Nov, 2020
The prerequisite that begins where a prerequisite end. In this day and age, a person is identified by the luxury he owns. For what is a luxury for a certain group of people in one place, during a particular period might be a necessity to another group of people put up in another place. As the standards of living escalate, the things that were considered ‘luxuries’ to the grandfathers have become necessities to their grandsons. While taking ‘real life’ into account, as distinguished from mere existence, it is not always about food, clothes, shelter and fuel that comes under necessity. A wide number of other things also come along in their way. However, the taste of men differs widely. To exemplify, books would be the greatest luxury for a scholar, which may not be considered a luxury for many other men. The luxury one possesses, depends a lot on their requirements, desires and interests. Ordinarily, luxury always has a shade of ill-meaning. It is something to be condemned. People who own a lot of luxury is basically considered to be the richest in the society, living at ease and expensive pleasure. I believe, the craze for luxury among people leads to competence among themselves. When we lead a simple life, the will to compete reduces. In the end, what you feel about yourself is what matters more than what others think about you! Be worthy at heart!
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